You told us that you are here because of the beach, the bush, the active way of life, the informality and the slower pace. You value community; lots of volunteering, looking after our environment, looking after each other. You do not want to lose these things as Mangawhai grows. We have reflected this in the following six key moves.
The Mangawhai Community Plan (MCP) is a document to provide guidance to Kaipara District Council in the management of growth in Mangawhai.
This plan is confined to the roles of Council, these being; planning and regulation, and investment in services and infrastructure for transport, water supply, stormwater, wastewater, and parks and reserves. It does not include services provided by central government or the private sector.
In mid-2016, Council set up a panel of community representatives to make recommendations for this plan. The recommendations were received by Council in July 2017 and this Community Plan is consistent with these recommendations.
The MCP also integrates the Council’s vision through each key move.
Budgets included in this plan are estimates at this point, and will be confirmed as part of the development of Council’s next Long Term Plan 2018/2028. Every three years as part of the Long Term Plan process, the costs, priorities and projects will be reviewed.
Feedback on the plan was requested and over 100 responses were received. All feedback was given to Council for consideration and the draft Plan updated based on any Council decisions.
The MCP was adopted by Council at its 28 February 2018 meeting. Projects within the MCP are now incorporated into Council’s draft Long Term Plan 2018/2028 (LTP).